Minishift usage


To control the minishift from your computer, you’ll first have to install the minishift library. Make sure you have python 2.7 and pip installed, then install the minishift library:

$ pip install minishift-python

or, to install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd minishift-python
$ sudo install

The minishift library should work on Linux, OSX, and Windows.

Usage - HTTP interface

The minishift module ships with a daemon that implements a simple HTTP API for controlling the minishift. You can start the daemon like so:

$ python -m minishift.minishiftd width

where width is the number of horizontal pixels in your chain of minishifts - for example, 32 in a 4-module minishift array.

Optionally, you can run minishiftd as a background daemon:

$ python -m minishift.minishiftd -d width

By default minishiftd listens on port 8000; you can configure this with the -p argument:

$ python -m minishift.minishiftd -p 8001 width

Once the daemon is running, you can set the text by making POST or GET requests to the /set/ endpoint:

$ curl -G http://localhost:8000/set --data-urlencode "text=Test!"

To display scrolling text, supply the interval parameter, which specifies the number of seconds to scroll one pixel. You can also supply the optional times parameter, to display the message a fixed number of times before going blank:

$ curl -G http://localhost:8000/set --data-urlencode "text=To be or not to be, that is the question" -d interval=0.05 -d times=2

Usage - Python library

The minishift module also provides a Python library. More complete documentation is in the readme, but basic usage looks something like this:

>>> import minishift
>>> vid, pid, width = 0x04d8, 0xf517, 32
>>> ms = minishift.Minishift(minishift.MCP2210Interface(vid, pid), width)
>>> ms.canvas.write_text(0, "Test!")
>>> ms.update()